IT and Business Strategy
SOURCE provides an organization-specific assessment and operational appraisal which ensures that the full utilization of your financial system is in alignment with your firm’s requirements. Source can assist by providing the necessary vision, planning and vendor management to ensure a successful outcome to your project.
Assessing the Current Environment
Assessing your current environment and business requirements enables you to determine how to augment your current system, aligning it to meet your business needs. Are you processing transactions efficiently? Can you process the transactions as you need? Are you getting the information you need out of your financial system? Through a combination of updating your processes, product upgrades, third-party add-ons and business process improvements, your system should be able to provide for what you need. However, if replacing the current system is warranted, we help you identify business requirements and develop requests for information to vendors of alternative systems. To assess your needs we can help you:
- Refine firm goals and business drivers
- Link your needs to the Financial System
- Determine needs that can’t be met by the current technology/configuration and the resulting impact
- Document Functional and Technical Requirements
Service Request Form
Our services are specifically tailored to meet the needs of our clients. For more detailed information on how we can help you, please feel free to contact us at info@sourcegroup.com or fill out our service request form.