Our Services
Professional services firms are experiencing exciting, yet challenging times. They are growing, merging, acquiring new practice areas, expanding internationally and adopting new methods of management. All of these changes, coupled with the accelerating pace of technology, require state-of-the-art financial management solutions. These tools and solutions are critical to your ability to compete and thrive.
SOURCE offers a vast array of tailored services including strategic planning and process reengineering, operational consulting and financial system implementation and deployment. Whether you are evaluating systems or implementing financial management software, Source will ensure a successful result.
Our consultants have diverse backgrounds and deep subject matter expertise which equips them to help firms identify and implement practical solutions while enhancing business processes. When a simple solution is not readily apparent, our team can uncover new approaches and deliver creative tactics to solve problems. Source’s unique mixture of experience and innovation makes us an essential partner for our clients.
For more specific lists of our service offerings and expertise, please visit the following pages below. If you cannot find the services you desire, please feel free to Contact Us for more information.
Service Request Form
Our services are specifically tailored to meet the needs of our clients. For more detailed information on how we can help you, please feel free to contact us at info@sourcegroup.com or fill out our service request form.